Our Partners

Mutually beneficial partnerships and supporters are the lifeblood of WAM. Their cultivation, management and stewardship are critical to the success of the organisation’s corporate operations and program outcomes.

Please – a round of applause for our incredible partners and sponsors. For without their support, none of what we do would be possible.

Mutually beneficial partnerships are at the heart of everything that we do here at WAM. Their cultivation, management and stewardship are critical to the success of our program outcomes and services.

We thank every one of our partners and sponsors for trusting us to execute programs with integrity whilst achieving brand recognition and program outcomes on behalf of their business operations.

We offer our thanks to the many individual program sponsors. Your support is incredibly appreciated.

Core Funding Partners

Program Partners

Industry Partners


Song of the Year Prize Sponsors

Studio Sponsors

Oracle Sound

Tunafish Recording Studios


WAM’s partnership with Healthway has entered its sixth consecutive year. Promoting the valuable Act Belong Commit message, this fruitful program-focused partnership allows WAM to present WA Music Week, Song of the Year and the New Noise program, spreading a positive mental health message amongst the community.

In recognition of the importance of this message for the music sector, the Act Belong Commit message is activated beyond the realm of program delivery, with WAM staff embracing Mental Health Week and Active August.

WAM are proud to have grown and developed this partnership into Healthway’s largest arts partnership.