Welcome to Breathe – Songwriting Retreat


A weekend of opportunity to Get Away …..and …Just …Write…Sound like Bliss?

We know. We get it

Creating space in our busy lives to connect deeply with our creative souls and sink into a flow state seems unreachable! So we have created a weekend of space for women just like you to get away and just write, within a nurturing, encouraging group of like minded folks. You are invited for a weekend away from the hustle! The idea is simple. To set intentional time for your songwriting, to rest, reflect and meet some new people. Set down your responsibilities for the weekend, and focus on creating some space, writing some words and reflecting.

We warmly invite you to join us in the weekend retreat that we dreamed of as songwriters, and then realised it was UP TO US to create it for ourselves and other wonderful women who get buried in the busy-ness of daily life.

When was the last time you felt you had All the time you wanted to write without feeling guilty?

When was the last time you wrote a song to completion and sang it out at the top of your lungs with All the Feels and none of the guilt?

When was the last time you got to play your unfinished song to someone for balanced feedback and collaboration on where else it could go?

What to expect
YOU will be

  • Nourished. No cooking. No wondering what to cook. No dishes. No cleanup (yep….that’s worth the ticket price alone I can hear some of you say!)
  • Nurtured. We love talking with and facilitating creatives and songwriters in their craft. You will be held in a safe encouraging space with the opportunity to upskill as a songwriter.
  • Heard. Daily Breathing helps us to slow down , connect with our feeling selves, listen to ourselves and others. We want to remind you how glorious it is to be in the flow state of creativity and to share that with others. If you sing, sing it out! If you don’t sing or that sounds too scary, that’s okay too, we get it but if you would like to get a little more confident at the performance part we’d love to help you Find Your Voice.

You will be invited to participate in

  • Ritual. The process of daily mediation to connect with our deeper feeling selves and move into a state of creative flow. Rituals are a reminder of the need for sacredness and stillness in our lives. They make the invisible, visible, and help bring awe to our everyday, reconnecting us with our sensory selves.
  • Learning. Who doesn’t want to upskill as a songwriter?! While we NEVER want to fall into the comparison pit of despair, we can all fine tune our own craft skills to polish our creations into shining, shimmering songs of beauty.
  • Stillness. There will be Uninterrupted time to write, nap, walk, read, draw,. Whatever YOU decide YOU need to please just YOURSELF

So we invite you to hit Pause on your daily life and come away with us on a road trip, to a country venue, with home cooked meals, and a group of like minded souls to listen, to laugh, to learn, to breathe, rest and above all write…the songs you know are in you