A collaborative initiative of Music Australia and the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Music Office (NATSIMO)

Apply now! Just announced – additional 2 new grants available

14 grants x $20,000 available

The National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Music Office (NATSIMO), with funding from Music Australia, is excited to announce the first series of LIFECYCLE Recording Grants, which will provide 14 grants of $20,000 towards high-quality recording sessions of new music by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander music creators.

Applications are open now until Friday 26 July 11:59 PM AEST, with the grant to cover activity undertaken and completed between 1 July 2024 and 30 June 2025. All Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander music creators are invited to apply. Eligibility is not restricted to members of APRA AMCOS.

The LIFECYCLE Recording Grant aims to increase the creation and recording of new and original music as well as facilitate access to professional recording environments and business and skills development opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander music creators. The grant aligns with the NATSIMO’s strategic vision to support a diverse and self-determined music sector for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

The rise of DIY and bedroom recording has provided greater access to production and recording but often comes with compromises and cutting corners on quality control.

“With the rising cost of living for many people, it often isn’t affordable to bring together a group of musicians in a beautiful sounding live room to record all day and night and pay creatives a fair wage for their time. This grant invests in the creative process, gives access to underrepresented music creators, provides professional development, and values the hard work that goes into crafting a treasured album,” said Leah Flanagan, Director, NATSIMO.

“Our hope is that the grant will be able to afford our music creators the realistic budget to undertake a larger recording project. Thank you to Music Australia for funding this incredible opportunity.”


Music creators interested in applying will need to provide:

  • Project details and timeline
  • Budget
  • Relevant confirmation and supporting letters from participants
  • Links to the best examples of your music

Key Dates

  • Applications open Wednesday 5 June 2024 9am AEST
  • Applications close Friday 26 July 11:59pm AEST
  • Activity must start and finish between 1 July 2024 and 30 June 2025


The LIFECYCLE Recording Grants are open to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander music creators and not restricted to members of APRA AMCOS. 

This grant is administered by NATSIMO and funded by Music Australia, with support from APRA AMCOS. For any questions on applying, please contact


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