First Nations Exporting Workshop

NATSIMO and Sounds Australia present: First Nations Music Export Workshop on Tuesday 23rd July via an online webinar. 

This workshop is exclusive to First Nations artists and industry centred around International Showcasing.  

The opportunities for Australian artists to tap into the global market and build an international career are becoming more accessible – but at the same time, there have never been more challenges: whether it’s shifting trends, increasing costs of doing business, or an abundance of musical competition. 

Hosted by Glenny G from Sounds Australia and Leah Flanagan from NATSIMO, this export workshop will help to put you, your artist or your music business in the best position to grow your international presence. 

The workshop panel will feature Ali Tomoana (manager, Miss Kaninna), Kobie Dee (The Great Escape) and Miss Kaninna (SXSW, IIMS), who have had first-hand experience in this space and will give you a realistic look at what it takes as a First Nations artist to rise through the noise internationally. 

You’ll learn more about what Sounds Australia does, why they exist, and how you can use their showcases and networking events to further your international career. Plus, you’ll get advice on how to best prepare for showcasing internationally, as well as learning about all the funding opportunities available to you. 

This event is designed for NATSIMO members. Attendance is completely free, but registration is essential. 

If there are any questions you have in regards to First Nations Music Export please send them to by 9:00am AEST Monday 22nd July.

This event is held via Zoom. Access link will be delivered via email one day prior to the workshop.